Stunning street art solution in Singapore

A great example of a both decorative and durable marking has recently been applied at the educational institution, Singapore Polytechnic. The marking made in PlastiRoute™ Rollplast provides a long-lasting, cool and elegant expression on what could have been just a grey surface.

On the asphalt area outside of the historic Moberly building at Singapore Polytechnic you can now step onto an artistic marking. It consists of a mix of lines and other geometric shapes which are intertwined and layered providing an almost 3D-like effect. With its neutral, cool look of black, white and grey colours, it really complements the surroundings without overshadowing it. The marking made in PlastiRoute Rollplast provides a long-lasting, cool and elegant expression on what could have been just a grey surface.

The markings were applied by Singapore-based contractor Mitramas Pte. Ltd. Apart from the obvious decorative purposes of the marking, the goal was also to provide a durable solution. One that would last longer than paint, for example. In this case, PlastiRoute Rollplast provided the perfect answer.

Being a permanent coating with strong anti-slip properties, PlastiRoute Rollplast is often recommended for areas such as walkways and parking areas. However, it is also a great solution for areas that need a visual upgrade like here at Singapore Polytechnic. The material comes in a wide range of different colours so it can be made to match your exact project and ideas.

Are you also looking for a decorative and durable marking solution? Then don’t hesitate to contact your local Geveko Markings expert!

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