Aarhus keeps the streets clean with the help of DecoMark™

Specially designed DecoMark™ markings help ensure that even small pieces of trash find their rightful place – in the trash can!

In the municipality of Aarhus in Denmark, they have recognized that even tiny pieces of trash can cause big problems!

From discarded gum to cigarette butts and nicotine patches, these seemingly insignificant items often find their way onto our streets instead of the trash can. Unfortunately, this type of trash lingers in nature for years, leaving behind harmful microplastics that are both challenging and costly to get rid of.

To bring attention to this issue and inspire change, the city of Aarhus recently launched a nudging campaign that includes specially designed horizontal markings made in our preformed DecoMark material. The idea is to make this type of trash impossible to ignore by enlarging it. A total of 30 markings illustrating three of the most problematic trash types have therefore been installed in central places around the city - for example in front of the city hall and the central station. Apart from the markings, the campaign also includes billboards, giant cigarette butts, and social media bursts to name a few of the initiatives.

It's a comprehensive effort to inspire behavior change, but we think this is a good example of how our horizontal markings can make a real difference not only by raising awareness but by actively contributing to solving a relevant problem.

Do you want to learn more about the many possibilities with DecoMark? Then contact your local Geveko Markings expert today!

Healing colours at Sheffield Children’s Hospital

Healing colours at Sheffield Children’s Hospital

What is a good place to heal and recover? At the children’s hospital in Sheffield, they have come up with an answer that includes an abundance of stunning colours, geometric shapes as well as our DecoMark™ material.

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