Statement regarding the war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is having a devastating impact on millions of people. Consequently, as of Friday last week, Geveko Markings Group decided to suspend all sales activities in and sourcing from Russia and Belarus until further notice. We believe this is the right thing to do under current circumstances.

To aid humanitarian assistance for the many millions of people affected by the war, Geveko Markings Group have today donated 250.000 DKK to “Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians Affected by Russia’s Aggression” through the National Bank of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy will channel donations to support Ukraine’s citizens severely affected by the war, as funds will be used:

  • to provide food and shelter for refugees and citizens that have been displaced due to military conflict
  • to provide clothing, shoes, and medicine for them
  • to buy staple goods for the population
  • to pay out one-off financial aid and to meet other essential needs of the population

We are following the situation closely, and our deepest thoughts are with the people of Ukraine.

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